Winner Details

  • Physical Chemistry
  • 1.      Dr. Naser M. Alandis, Dr. Ahmad Al-Owais, & Dr. Abdullah Al-Kahtani of King Saud University for their translation from English into Arabic of the book Physical Chemistry written by Dr. Peter Atkins, Professor of physical chemistry at the University of Oxford. This book appears in 29 chapters. and presents, with exemplifications and illustrations, the fundamentals of physical chemistry, starting with introducing preliminary topics, to explanations, detailing, and then to assessments. The translators have chosen a book based on the comprehensiveness and the high scientific value of its topics, as well as its use as a reference for specialists in physical chemistry. It is considered a primary source for students of physical chemistry all over the world, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom. The translation is equivalent to the scientific level of the original text, with a sound language that is compatible with the structure of the Arabic sentences. The translators were able to accurately render the examples, figures, and explanatory models while complying with the rules of scientific property. They also succeeded in using a unified terminology throughout the book and respected the author’s copyrights by obtaining permission for translation.

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